Analyst, Control Risk

Photo: Control Risk

Photo: Control Risk

Ms. Patricia Rodrigues is an analyst with focus on East Africa for Control Risks. She regularly contributes to Control Risks’ subscription services, undertakes bespoke consultancy engagements for clients operating in the region and travels widely in East Africa. She works across a broad range of sectors, from finance, mining, oil and gas and energy, to agriculture and international development, advising clients on policy, regulatory, compliance and integrity issues. Before joining Control Risks, she worked for the Aga Khan Foundation in Nairobi, carrying out policy research, business development and communications support for development projects in agriculture, health, education and governance across East Africa. She previously worked as an income analyst for Citigroup Global Markets in London, covering markets across Europe, Middle East and Africa.

Ms. Rodrigues holds an MPhil in International Relations and Politics from the University of Cambridge, where her research focused on the political economy of regional integration in East Africa. She holds a first-class Bachelor of Science degree in Economics from the University of Leeds.


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